Friday, October 16, 2009

A Different World

At the university down the street from our church building, there is a BAR inside the CAMPUS CENTER.

It probably says a lot about me that I am so surprised by this.

I am really wishing I was headed to Abilene today for ACU Homecoming. It is Shiloh's 5th Reunion year, and lots of my friends' 10th Reunion year. And it would be great to show off Addison. Oh well. Maybe next year...and definitely the next year for my 10th Reunion.


  1. Wow. That seems very strange that they have a bar inside their campus center! Definitely not a Christian college...huh?!

  2. Yep, when I go buy books at the bookstore in the campus I often pass the student center pub. Very odd! Being at a secular school (even a private one) is a new experience, even though I'm a boring grad student who isn't really into the whole college scene any more.
