Thursday, October 1, 2009

2 years ago...1 week ago

About this time two years ago, Shiloh and I went up for a drive through the mountains. Seeing the aspen leaves as they change color from green to bright yellow, red, and orange is one of Shiloh's favorite things to do in the Fall. We found a spot just outside of Estes Park that had a huge cluster of aspens that were just beautiful.

It had only been about a week since Shiloh and I had found out that Shiloh had had a miscarriage. Taking that drive through the mountains and looking at the aspens was a really healing experience for both of us. I like this picture because of all the colors and beauty, but also because it reminds me of that healing that we both felt.

It has been a hard two years for Shiloh and I. A few months after that picture was taken, Shiloh experienced another miscarriage (this time an ectopic pregnancy) and we were again feeling so much pain.

Yesterday, Shiloh and I drove up into the mountains and took this picture.

All I can say is something that I haven't been able to bring myself to say very often these last couple of years..."Isn't God good?!"


  1. God is good, Josh! I was gonna type something really thoughtful and profound, but I don't think I can top that. Can't wait to meet Addison!

  2. All the time. I love this post. It makes me want to cry and hug all three of you.

  3. I love that you went back and took another picture. Thank God for happy endings!
